import { CC, Color, ColorSpec } from "./colors";
export abstract class GradientType {
gradient?: string;
abstract valueToHex(value: number, range?: number[]): number;
abstract range(): number[] | null;
export function normalizeValue(
lo: number,
hi: number,
val: number
): { lo: number; hi: number; val: number } {
if (hi >= lo) {
if (val < lo) val = lo;
if (val > hi) val = hi;
return { lo: lo, hi: hi, val: val };
} else {
if (val > lo) val = lo;
if (val < hi) val = hi;
//flip the meaning of val, lo, hi
val = lo - val + hi;
return { lo: hi, hi: lo, val: val };
* Gradient specification.
* @see builtinGradients
export type GradientSpec = {
/** Kind of gradient. E.g. RWB, ROYGB, sinebow. Can also specify linear[_color]* as a
* shorthand for CustomLinear and passing a colors array. */
gradient?: string;
/** Lower range of gradient */
min?: number;
/** Upper range of gradient */
max?: number;
/** {AtomSpec} property to use for gradient calculation. E.g., 'b' for temperature factors of a PDB. */
prop?: string;
/** mid point value for gradient (for rwb) */
mid?: number;
/** Custom colors for gradient (for {@link CustomLinear}) */
colors?: Array<ColorSpec>;
/** map of a certain {@link AtomSpec} property to a color of the form `{'prop': 'elem', map:elementColors.greenCarbon}` Allows the user to provide a mapping of elements to colors to the colorscheme. This can be done with any properties, and not just 'elem'.
map?: Record<string, unknown>
//return a Gradient object, even if what is specified is descriptive
export function getGradient(grad: GradientSpec|GradientType): GradientType {
if (grad instanceof GradientType) {
return grad;
} else if (grad.gradient !== undefined && builtinGradients[grad.gradient]
) {
let min = grad.min === undefined ? -1 : grad.min;
let max = grad.max === undefined ? 1 : grad.max;
if (grad.mid === undefined) {
if (grad.colors === undefined) {
return new builtinGradients[grad.gradient](min, max);
} else {
return new builtinGradients[grad.gradient](min, max, grad.colors);
} else {
return new builtinGradients[grad.gradient](min, max, grad.mid);
} else if(typeof(grad.gradient) == "string" && grad.gradient.startsWith('linear_')) {
let colors = grad.gradient.split('_');
let min = grad.min === undefined ? -1 : grad.min;
let max = grad.max === undefined ? 1 : grad.max;
return new CustomLinear(min,max,colors);
return grad as GradientType;
* Color scheme red to white to blue, for charges
* Reverse gradients are supported when min>max so that the colors are displayed in reverse order.
* @subcategory Gradients
export class RWB extends GradientType {
gradient = "RWB";
min: number;
max: number;
mid?: number;
mult: number;
constructor(min?: number | [number, number], max?: number, mid?: number) {
this.mult = 1.0;
this.mid = mid;
this.min = min as number;
this.max = max as number;
if (typeof max == "undefined" && Array.isArray(min) && min.length >= 2) {
//we were passed a single range
this.max = min[1];
this.min = min[0];
} else if (!!min && !!max && !Array.isArray(min)) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
//return range used for color mapping, null if none set
range() {
if (typeof this.min != "undefined" && typeof this.max != "undefined") {
return [this.min, this.max] as [number, number];
return null;
//map value to hex color, range is provided
valueToHex(val: number, range?: number[]) {
var lo: number, hi: number;
val = this.mult * val; //reverse if necessary
if (range) {
lo = range[0];
hi = range[1];
} else {
lo = this.min;
hi = this.max;
if (val === undefined) return 0xffffff;
var norm = normalizeValue(lo, hi, val);
lo = norm.lo;
hi = norm.hi;
val = norm.val;
var middle = (hi + lo) / 2;
if (range && typeof range[2] != "undefined") middle = range[2];
else if (typeof this.mid != "undefined")
middle = this.mid; //allow user to specify midpoint
else middle = (lo + hi) / 2;
var scale: number, color: number;
//scale bottom from red to white
if (val < middle) {
scale = Math.floor(255 * Math.sqrt((val - lo) / (middle - lo)));
color = 0xff0000 + 0x100 * scale + scale;
return color;
} else if (val > middle) {
//form white to blue
scale = Math.floor(255 * Math.sqrt(1 - (val - middle) / (hi - middle)));
color = 0x10000 * scale + 0x100 * scale + 0xff;
return color;
} else {
//val == middle
return 0xffffff;
* rainbow gradient, but without purple to match jmol
* Reverse gradients are supported when min>max so that the colors are displayed in reverse order.
* @subcategory Gradients
export class ROYGB extends GradientType {
gradient = "ROYGB";
mult: number;
max?: number;
min?: number;
constructor(min?: number, max?: number) {
this.mult = 1.0;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
if (typeof max == "undefined" && Array.isArray(min) && min.length >= 2) {
//we were passed a single range
this.max = min[1];
this.min = min[0];
} else if (!!min && !!max && !Array.isArray(min)) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
//map value to hex color, range is provided
valueToHex(val: number, range?: any[]) {
var lo: number, hi: number;
val = this.mult * val;
if (range) {
lo = range[0];
hi = range[1];
} else {
lo = this.min!;
hi = this.max!;
if (typeof val == "undefined") return 0xffffff;
var norm = normalizeValue(lo, hi, val);
lo = norm.lo;
hi = norm.hi;
val = norm.val;
var mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
var q1 = (lo + mid) / 2;
var q3 = (mid + hi) / 2;
var scale: number, color: number;
if (val < q1) {
//scale green up, red up, blue down
scale = Math.floor(255 * Math.sqrt((val - lo) / (q1 - lo)));
color = 0xff0000 + 0x100 * scale + 0;
return color;
} else if (val < mid) {
//scale red down, green up, blue down
scale = Math.floor(255 * Math.sqrt(1 - (val - q1) / (mid - q1)));
color = 0x010000 * scale + 0xff00 + 0x0;
return color;
} else if (val < q3) {
//scale blue up, red down, green up
scale = Math.floor(255 * Math.sqrt((val - mid) / (q3 - mid)));
color = 0x000000 + 0xff00 + 0x1 * scale;
return color;
} else {
//scale green down, blue up, red down
scale = Math.floor(255 * Math.sqrt(1 - (val - q3) / (hi - q3)));
color = 0x000000 + 0x0100 * scale + 0xff;
return color;
//return range used for color mapping, null if none set
range() {
if (typeof this.min != "undefined" && typeof this.max != "undefined") {
return [this.min, this.max] as [number, number];
return null;
* rainbow gradient with constant saturation, all the way to purple!
* Reverse gradients are supported when min>max so that the colors are displayed in reverse order.
* @subcategory Gradients
* @example $.get('data/1fas.pqr', function(data){
viewer.addModel(data, "pqr");
viewer.addSurface($3Dmol.SurfaceType.VDW, {
voldata: new $3Dmol.VolumeData(volumedata, "cube"),
volscheme: new $3Dmol.Gradient.Sinebow(2,0,1)
export class Sinebow extends GradientType {
gradient = "Sinebow";
mult: number;
max: number;
min: number;
constructor(min: number, max: number) {
this.mult = 1.0;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
if (typeof max == "undefined" && Array.isArray(min) && min.length >= 2) {
//we were passed a single range
this.max = min[1];
this.min = min[0];
if (max < min) {
//reverse the order
this.mult = -1.0;
this.min *= -1.0;
this.max *= -1.0;
//map value to hex color, range is provided
valueToHex(val: number, range?: any[]) {
var lo: number, hi: number;
val = this.mult * val;
if (range) {
lo = range[0];
hi = range[1];
} else {
lo = this.min;
hi = this.max;
if (typeof val == "undefined") return 0xffffff;
var norm = Gradient.normalizeValue(lo, hi, val);
lo = norm.lo;
hi = norm.hi;
val = norm.val;
var scale = (val - lo) / (hi - lo);
var h = (5 * scale) / 6.0 + 0.5;
var r = Math.sin(Math.PI * h);
r *= r * 255;
var g = Math.sin(Math.PI * (h + 1 / 3.0));
g *= g * 255;
var b = Math.sin(Math.PI * (h + 2 / 3.0));
b *= b * 255;
return (
0x10000 * Math.floor(r) + 0x100 * Math.floor(b) + 0x1 * Math.floor(g)
//return range used for color mapping, null if none set
range() {
if (typeof this.min != "undefined" && typeof this.max != "undefined") {
return [this.min, this.max] as [number, number];
return null;
* Custom linear gradient using user supplied colors.
* Reverse gradients are supported when min>max so that the colors are displayed in reverse order.
* Midpoints are not supported - color map should be specified to get desired middle color.
* @param {number} min
* @param {number} max
* @param {Array} colors Array of colors that will be linearly interpolated between from min to max values.
* @subcategory Gradients
* @example
$3Dmol.get('../test_structs/af.pdb', function(data){
viewer.setStyle({cartoon:{colorscheme:{prop: 'b', gradient:'linear', min: 70, max: 100, colors: ["blue","yellow","green"]}}});
export class CustomLinear extends GradientType {
gradient = "linear";
min: number;
max: number;
colors = new Array<Color>();
constructor(min: any, max: any, colors?: any) {
var carr: Array<any>;
if (Array.isArray(min) && min.length >= 2) {
//we were passed a single range
this.max = min[1] as number;
this.min = min[0] as number;
carr = max;
} else {
this.min = min as number;
this.max = max as number;
carr = colors;
//convert colors
if (carr) {
for (let c of carr) {
} else {
//return range used for color mapping, null if none set
range() {
if (typeof this.min != "undefined" && typeof this.max != "undefined") {
return [this.min, this.max] as [number, number];
return null;
//map value to hex color, range is provided
valueToHex(val: number, range?: any[]) {
var lo: number, hi: number;
if (range) {
lo = range[0];
hi = range[1];
} else {
lo = this.min;
hi = this.max;
if (val === undefined) return 0xffffff;
var norm = normalizeValue(lo, hi, val);
lo = norm.lo;
hi = norm.hi;
val = norm.val;
let nsteps = this.colors.length;
let stepsize = (hi - lo) / nsteps;
let startpos = Math.min(Math.floor((val - lo) / stepsize), nsteps - 1);
let endpos = Math.min(startpos + 1, nsteps - 1);
let frac = (val - lo - (startpos * stepsize)) / stepsize;
let startcol = this.colors[startpos];
let endcol = this.colors[endpos];
let col = new Color(startcol.r + frac * (endcol.r - startcol.r),
startcol.g + frac * (endcol.g - startcol.g),
startcol.b + frac * (endcol.b - startcol.b));
return col.getHex();
* built in gradient schemes
* The user can pass these strings directly as the gradient
* @prop rwb - red/white/blue, supports setting a mid point for white
* @prop roygb - rainbow
* @prop sinebow - rainbow with better saturation properties
* @prop linear - linearly maps between provided colors
export const builtinGradients = {
"rwb": RWB,
"roygb": ROYGB,
"sinebow": Sinebow,
"linear": CustomLinear
export class Gradient extends GradientType {
static RWB = RWB;
static ROYGB = ROYGB;
static Sinebow = Sinebow;
static CustomLinear = CustomLinear;
static builtinGradients = builtinGradients;
static normalizeValue = normalizeValue;
static getGradient = getGradient;
valueToHex(_value: number, _range?: number[]): number { return 0; }
range(): [number, number] | null { return null; }