Cylinder shape specification.
- Source
callback :Func
function to call on click
- Func
- Inherited From
- Source
clickable :boolean
if true, user can click on object to trigger callback
- boolean
- Inherited From
- Source
color :ColorSpec|Array
Either a single color for the whole object or an array specifying the color at each vertex (CustomShapeSpec
- ColorSpec |
- Inherited From
- Source
contextMenuEnabled :boolean
if true, user can right-click or long press to trigger callback
- boolean
- Inherited From
- Source
dashLength :number
Length of dashes (default 0.25)
- number
- Source
dashed :boolean
Make the cylinder dashed.
- boolean
- Source
end :XYZ
ending position
- Source
frame :number
if set, only display in this frame of an animation
- number
- Inherited From
- Source
fromCap :CAP|string
Place a cap at the start (none, flat or round)
- CAP |
- Source
gapLength :number
Length of gaps (default 0.25)
- number
- Source
hidden :boolean
if true, do not display object
- boolean
- Inherited From
- Source
hover_callback :Func
hover callback
- Func
- Inherited From
- Source
hoverable :boolean
if true, user can hover on object to trigger callback
- boolean
- Inherited From
- Source
linewidth :number
width of line for wireframe rendering No longer supported by most browsers
- number
- Inherited From
- Source
opacity :number
transparency, between 0 (invisible) and 1 (opaque)
- number
- Inherited From
- Source
radius :number
- number
- Source
start :XYZ
starting vector
- Source
toCap :CAP|string
Place a cap at the end (none, flat or round)
- CAP |
- Source
unhover_callback :Func
unhover callback
- Func
- Inherited From
- Source
wireframe :boolean
draw as wireframe, not surface
- boolean
- Inherited From
- Source